Ras Mohamed


Trails of Ras Muhammad National Park

The area of Ras Mohamed Park has distinct geological aspects, such as the sandy plains and mountains of limestone, granite stone and sand. In addition, there are varieties of animals such as foxes and gazelles, reptiles, birds and migratory residents. The Park has a camping site that is located at the North corner of the Bay of Marsa Bereika. On the West coast of the peninsula there is an area serves as a wharf; to the North of this, there is a small pond, which is sometimes known as “Salt Lake”. It is strictly prohibited to build any type of building in the reserve of Ras Mohammed, and therefore almost no people live there, however the area typically has a few Bedouins who belong to a clan of nomads who inhabit the southern Sinai.

Ras Mohamed is a gift of nature that has many rich funds. The atmosphere is very clean and that differ from any other place in Egypt. The sea water is crystal clear and the depth is a home of charming fauna and flora. There are more than 1000 species of colorful fish and marine creatures.  There are together with dozens of species of corals, and various types of sponges. So that, it is one of the most wonderful areas for diving in the world.

Ras Mohamed National Park

Ras Mohamed National Park is a nature reserve situated at the south tip of the triangle of Sinai. It is about 30 km south of the city of Sharm El Sheikh, and 470 km from Cairo. The name in Arabic means “Cape of Mohamed”. It is the first National Park formed in Egypt and one of the most famous diving sites in the world. In 1983, the Egyptian Government declared it and its area was 97 km2  .So, later it was extended from the sea shore to the mainland in 1989, occupying 480 km2. Only a part of that estimated 12% of the total area is accessible to visitors.

On the west side of the park there are two cracks while on the eastern side there is a sandy island called “Isle of Mangroves”. There is only one road permitted to access Ras Mohamed National Park through the peninsula itself. It is forbidden to leave this road for any reason, so visitors and drivers should be careful when visit the area to avoid paying a painful penalty.