Recuerdos tradicionales en Egipto

At first, when you visit Egypt, bring some souvenirs to remember the good times you had at this time. At the same time, you give gifts to your friends and relatives. Egypt is a very good place to buy souvenirs at reasonable prices. It has many souvenirs, art shops, art galleries, markets, bazaars where you can buy any of these traditional souvenirs in Egypt.

Mini statues

Due to the large number of colossi and antiquities, life-size and giant in Egypt. There is a trade in statues and small replicas in the market. It is in the alabaster offices in Luxor and in the bazaars at the same time. You will find various mini statues representing different forms of gods, kings, queens, and symbols from ancient Egyptian times. For example, a statue of King Tutankhamon, King Ramses II, Queen Nefertiti, the god Anubis, the goddess Isis, the pyramids, the ankh symbol, the scarab, etc.

Papyrus scrolls

People use the papyrus flower to make paper from its reeds that grow in the Nile River from ancient time to modern time at the same time. Today, you can buy papyrus scrolls in wonderful colors depicting traditional, religious, or everyday scenes.

Essencias de Pefume

The essences of original Egyptian perfumes from Egyptian matrices sakkara of flowers, lotus flower, papyrus, myrrh, etc. At the same time, a piece of advice is that in ancient Egypt the lotus flower. Lotus flower  was a flower considered sacred. Women used it and symbolizes The feminine state appears in motifs on the wall of many temples, since papyrus has symbolized the masculine state, used by men. There are also other essences of Jasmine, roses and myrra.

Silver and gold jewelry

Egypt is famous for its gold jewelry, especially after discovering the golden mask of King Tutankhamun. Gold in Egipto is cheaper than most Western countries. Whether you like gold or silver, you will find amazing jewelry designs for earrings, necklaces, rings and anklets.


The names of ancient Egyptian kings and pharaohs wrote inside Cartouche at the same time. When you visit Egypt, you can write your name or your friend inside gold.

Galabiya e Ropas Tradicionales

Galabiya or Abaya is a long dress or garment for men and women. People wear it inside or outside their house.


Las bufandas se extienden ampliamente en los mercados egipcios. Es adecuado para el invierno y el verano y varía en diseños, decoraciones, colores y altura.

Productos de Cuer

In addition, other interesting leather products such as bags, sandals, and shoes are among the best products in Egypt. The bags made of other materials such as canvas or made by hand. .

Accesorios para Danza del Vientre

Belly dance related to Egypt and in Egypt there are shows and belly dance shows. For this reason belly dance clothes are sold in very elegant sizes and styles. Some women tourists come to Egypt to bring a belly dance costume from different stores and its accessories. Others only during their trip take advantage and buy belly dance dresses, costumes and accessories.